Here are the step by step instructions on how to set up flat rates. You can also watch the tutorial below on how to set up shipping rates on Weebly.
- On the left-hand side of your Weebly dashboard, click Setup → Shipping
- Click Add shipping rule
- Select the shipping area you're setting up (eg. United States)
- On the top-right corner, click Add rate
- Important: “flat rate” on Weebly isn't the same thing as flat rate on Printful. To set up flat rates, you need to select “order weight”
- Enter a shipping rate name – we recommend Flat Rate
- Enter an arbitrary weight that corresponds with the weight you set for your products. Then enter the flat rate it'll cost to ship that product category. Find our flat rate prices for each product category here.
- Then enter the weight range if two of that product are added to the cart, with the corresponding flat rate. And continue adding weight ranges and rates for subsequent product quantities.
Here's an example of how it looks for t-shirts:
Note: If an order has multiple products, the shipping status is updated once all of them are fulfilled