Most, if not all, of the products and/or services recommended on the Printful Blog or elsewhere on our website are products or services that our teams currently use, or have used in the past. We invested time and money into making sure these tools get the job done, and if we’re satisfied with them, we suggest that you try them out, too. We’re confident that they can help grow your business.
Links to these recommended products and services may often be affiliate links. This means we’ll receive a commission if you make a purchase from that website, at no additional cost to you. If a product links to an affiliate offer, we’ll indicate it for each link. If it’s a Printful blog article with affiliate offers, there’ll be a disclaimer at the start of the post.
We also don’t earn any sort of compensation from anyone (including our affiliate partners) in exchange for favorable reviews, recommendations, or backlinks. All of our reviews and recommendations are factual and based off of our own assessment.
Any comments made by guests or other parties on our site are strictly their own and don’t necessarily reflect Printful’s opinions.
If you go directly to a product or service’s website, without using our affiliate link, we won’t earn any commission. We only get a commission if you use our affiliate link to directly make a purchase.
Additionally, our blog is written by a group of different individuals, and occasionally by guest writers who don’t work for Printful. The Printful Blog does not accept paid insertions, advertising, or sponsorships unless otherwise noted. Likewise, we don’t receive any compensation in any way from the blog, other than commission from affiliate links.