Yes, you can. To do so, go to your Dashboard > Returns > Settings.
Then, choose your store and select the returns management method to be Stock and resell.
You can also give yourself some extra time to change the shipping address of returned orders in case you want to resend them. Set up any custom number of days during which we’ll stock your returned items without any action. When the day counter runs out, we’ll add the returned items to your warehouse stock, and they’ll be available to order again.
We’ll store all returns at no cost for the first 30 days. After 30 days, you’ll have to pay to continue to store items in our warehouse. Returns Management & Storage services have the same pricing model as Warehousing & Fulfillment services. You’ll be charged a monthly storage fee based on your inventory volume.
\NB: Please note that all orders fulfilled in our partner facilities and some orders fulfilled in our backup facilities won’t be available for warehousing and reselling if returned. You’ll be able to either change the shipping address to resend the order or donate it.