Discount badges are the red tags we add to the product cards in our Product Catalog to indicate that products have a discount. There are Launch price, Clearance price, and Special offer discount badges. These discounts are usually applied for a limited time period.
What is a clearance discount?
A discount we apply to the products or product variants that we plan to discontinue. We frequently revise our product catalog and opt for discontinuing products or product variants if they are slow-selling and unpopular, have a high damage rate, or will be discontinued by our suppliers.
A clearance discount applies to the product or product variants until all of the stock is sold out. Since we sometimes discontinue only some product variants (such as specific sizes or colors), not the whole product, always check if the clearance discount applies to all or specific product variants.
To find out what to do if the products you’re selling are about to be discontinued, check this FAQ article.
What is a launch discount?
A discount we apply to the products recently added to our product catalog. This discount applies for a limited time to help you try out a new product.
What is a special offer discount?
A discount we apply to a specific set of products when we have a limited-time discount campaign.