Etsy requires sellers to specify estimated delivery details for all shipping profiles used for products shipped from the US. The delivery details include:
- Delivery company
- Processing time
- Origin postcode
- Estimated delivery time
Listings without delivery detail information in your Etsy shipping profile will not be renewed.
Products added to Etsy from January 12, 2022, have the country of origin and estimated delivery time set automatically. With the new delivery detail update, Printful automatically sets country of origin and estimated delivery times in each listing shipping profile.
If you would like to make changes to your Etsy shipping profile, don’t edit the profiles created by Printful. Printful generated shipping profiles are updated regularly and any changes you’ve made will disappear during the next update. Instead, create a new shipping profile and add the necessary information there.
To add your delivery details, go to Settings > Shipping settings on your Etsy account. Then, select Shipping profiles—there, you can add a new shipping profile. This will open a window in which you can enter all the necessary delivery details:
- Delivery company. “Other” should appear automatically in this field. We suggest you leave it there since we can’t predict specifically which carrier will deliver your orders.
- Processing time. This is equivalent to Printful’s order fulfillment time, and it’s 2–5 business days for all production techniques. The processing times are added automatically to your shipping profile, and they get adjusted in case of any disruptions.
- Origin postcode. We suggest you add the postcode for our North Carolina facility—28273.
Every listing needs to be assigned to a shipping profile. If you create a shipping profile manually, you still need to assign products to it. This doesn’t apply for the Printful generated shipping profile with the country of origin and estimated delivery times automatically set.
Here’s an example of what a shipping profile for your Printful products looks like:
Check out the estimated delivery table below:
Territory |
Business days |
United States |
3–6 |
European Union |
3–9 |
United Kingdom |
4–6 |
Canada |
3–10 |
Australia |
3–12 |
New Zealand |
4–11 |
Brazil |
3–18 |
Iceland |
5–9 |
Liechtenstein |
4–5 |
Norway |
5–9 |
Switzerland |
5–9 |
Japan |
3–10 |
Everywhere else |
7–18 |