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Printful Help Center
Taxes & Billing
Sales tax
Sales tax
What is a resale certificate?
How is sales tax calculated?
When do I need to charge tax for US orders?
Which states does Printful charge sales tax in?
How do I submit a resale certificate or tax exemption certificate?
What are alternative documents?
Do international sellers have to charge Sales Tax?
What do the different product categories on a Resale certificate mean?
What are sales tax holidays and how do they work?
Which states are Printful products sales tax exempt in?
How do I submit a tax exemption certificate for my non-profit organization?
How do I configure my ecommerce platform to charge the correct tax rate?
How do taxes and customs work for orders in Mexico?
What do I need to know about sales tax in Canada?
How is sales tax applied to my warehoused products in North Carolina?
What is different about tax in California?