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Printful Help Center
What do I need to know about Amazon’s automated handling times?
How do I request help for my Amazon + Printful store?
How do I connect Amazon with Printful?
I have more than one brand name on my Amazon seller account. Can I add all of them to my Printful account?
Why does Amazon say I'm no longer authorized to use Printful?
How do I request GTIN exemption from Amazon?
Can I use Amazon to sell in different regions?
Can I use the Printful/Amazon integration with a registered brand instead of GTIN exemption?
Can I mark my order as a gift on Amazon?
What are Amazon's referral fees?
Which Amazon plan do I need to integrate with Printful?
How do I set my return address on Amazon?
How do I configure shipping rates with Amazon?
How do I add and sync products on Amazon?
How can I upload the LUCID identification number on Amazon?